Our Gatherings:

Come as you are.

We are a community of people who are in process. We have imperfect messy lives, but we are pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus and with each other. Everybody is welcome here whatever your story, your questions, doubts or struggles. We’re all about doing life together in community, being intentional about our growth as people and serving one another and our broader community along the way.

We want to invite you to one of our Saturday Gatherings to experience our community of Jesus-followers authentically engaging with the God we love!

What to expect

At the door

At the  main front entrance of the church, greeters will shake your hand and direct you to your seat. Our QR Code at the entrance by the greeters gives you access the  day’s bulletin (that’s a brochure filled with great information about the day's program and where things are, what’s going on in the church, etc.). The greeters will also ask you to sign our quest card. If you arrive in time for group Bible study ,(we call them “Sabbath Schools”), they will guide you to these smaller study and discussion classes. There are also children and youth classes in different parts of the building. All classes begin at 10:30 AM. The greeters will also show you our Resource Center, which is filled with current and classic spiritual reading materials (most of which is yours to take, free of charge!). On your first visit you will also receive a Welcome Packet.

Worship Service

You may sit anywhere you choose in the Sanctuary (again, that’s our main worship room). If you need assistance, ushers are available in the back. 

Our pastor describes the sermons as Jesus-centered, practical, encouraging, and real. The Bible is our guide and referred to consistently. The delivery tone is positive, persuasive, and engaging, interspersed with humor or interesting stories that help illustrate biblical concepts. Sermons are designed to be seeds of transformation, maps for finding freedom in Jesus!

In terms of participation, we respect your right to simply sit and watch! Your level of participation in our worship service is completely up to you. But if you wish, there are many ways you can participate. Affirmative  vocal response to music and preaching, standing, waving of hands are all allowed.